Thursday, February 16, 2012

Essay #1 Outline

Main Arguement: The ideological approach to film theory is more sufficient then the formalist approach.

Claim #1: The ideological approach permits a more artistic and thus a greater view of the human condition
Support for #1: Ideology is a relatively systematic body of ideas, attitudes, values, and perceptions, as welas, actual modes of thinking (usually unconcious) typical of a given class or group of people ina specific time and place.

Claim #2: The formalist approach is too limited and narrow in its approach to theorizing film
Support for #2: "Film theory (formalism) has nothing to do with film" Roger Ebert

Claim #3: The ideological approach better expresses the creative intent of film makers whilst not limiting a films meaning
Support for #3: "Theoretical film studies has become really awful. That’s not how you should study film. Abolish these courses and do something else which makes much more sense." Werner Horzog